Handling & Robotics 


Güdel’s Track Motion + ZP & FP gantries provide a platform for a wide range of handling applications, e.g. building products & warehousing.

In combination with Siemens motion controllers, SINUMERIK & SIMATIC T-CPUs, this enables a wide range of industrial solutions.

Adding a robot to a gantry or Track Motion with a SINUMERIK & SIMATIC T-CPU allows almost unlimited possibilities for handling applications.

Handling & Robotics


Güdel’s Track Motion + ZP & FP gantries provide a platform for a wide range of handling applications, e.g. building products & warehousing.

In combination with Siemens motion controllers, SINUMERIK & SIMATIC T-CPUs, this enables a wide range of industrial solutions.

Adding a robot to a gantry or Track Motion with a SINUMERIK & SIMATIC T-CPU allows almost unlimited possibilities for handling applications.

Handling & Robotics


Traditional 6 jointed industrial robots are being used more-and-more in mainstream machine tool applications, not only as loaders & unloaders, but as the primary machine tool.

The collaboration with Siemens and Comau allows a SINUMERIK CNC to directly control a Comau robot without the requirement of the separate robot controller. This functionality is realised through the technology package Run MyRobot / Direct Control.

Operating a robot as a machine tool with a machine tool HMI allows both operators & programmers to seamlessly work with conventional machine tools & robots functioning as machine tools.

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