CNC Design’s support for energy has a few main components such as renewable energy, energy management and power conversion
CNC Design’s support for energy has a few main components such as renewable energy, energy management and power conversion

CNC Design has already been involved with various renewable energy projects. The Siemens SINAMICS S120 drives provide a DC-AC inverter for Low Voltage applications in the MW range. Also in the SINAMICS portfolio are DC-DC converters that allow for connection of different energy sources & storage mediums in one system. Topics such as ‘black starts’ & ‘islanding’ are addressed with the SINAMICS S120 hardware & software portfolio.
Energy Management
Complimentary to the renewables topic, energy management for industrial applications is in focus with the increases in electricity costs.
With CNC Design’s experience in industrial applications, and based on existing drive hardware & software, we can address topics such as: peak load reduction (peak shaving), supplement incoming grid supply & buffering against unstable grids, e.g. brownouts.

CNC Design has already been involved with various renewable energy projects. The Siemens SINAMICS S120 drives provide a DC-AC inverter for Low Voltage applications in the MW range. Also in the SINAMICS portfolio are DC-DC converters that allow for connection of different energy sources & storage mediums in one system. Topics such as ‘black starts’ & ‘islanding’ are addressed with the SINAMICS S120 hardware & software portfolio.
Energy Management
Complimentary to the renewables topic, energy management for industrial applications is in focus with the increases in electricity costs.
With CNC Design’s experience in industrial applications, and based on existing drive hardware & software, we can address topics such as: peak load reduction (peak shaving), supplement incoming grid supply & buffering against unstable grids, e.g. brownouts.
Power Conversion
As an extension of renewables & energy management CNC Design can support power conversion projects based on Siemens SINAMICS S120 drives. Besides conversion of DC energy sources to an AC grid, important topics such as dynamic grid support, grid droop control & power factor correction (reactive power compensation) can be managed.