VSF Concrete Printing
Increasingly 3D printing & additive manufacturing (AM) is becoming more mainstream in high volume production
SINUMERIK CNCs can be found on AM equipment in use today. With our experience we can support local OEMs with the Motion Control aspect of their machines and allow them to focus on the core process topics.
As a step up for large area AM, e.g. large moulds, concrete parts, CNC Design can supply a Güdel gantry as the machine platform. Güdel gantries can be configured to suit the requirements of the application. As an example the FP-6 can be configured up to 100m x 9.5m x 3m.
With both SINUMERIK CNCs & Güdel gantries, CNC Design can offer a complete turnkey platform for large area AM.
Visit our Virtual Smart Factory (VSF) website